Personal Training

Your Goals

1 on 1 Private Training focused on your goals. Including nutrition and exercise programme. Includes Free consultation and assessment.

More Than A PT

Level 4 Strength and Conditioning has given me greater knowledge and wider scope of practice in advanced training methods such movement quality, Olympic weightlifting, strength training, plyometrics, speed and agility, mobility, core stability, and endurance to an advanced level.

Advanced Coaching

A PT will learn how to assess their client’s movement, but an S&C coach will take that assessment a step further. Strength & Conditioning Coaches understand how to identify poor movement qualities, relate poor movement quality to sports performance and injury risk – and how to adapt programming to suit the needs of individual athletes that demonstrate limited movement.

Combat Sports Specialist

I also offer sessions based on Boxing, Kickboxing and Combat Karate (basically a mix of karate with wrestling techniques). From technique to developing strength and conditioning suitable for each sport.

Strength and Conditioning

Strength and conditioning, or S&C for short, refers to the physical development of competitive athletes at all levels, including elite-level sport, grassroots players or even hobbyists that want to succeed in sporting or fitness events.

All Sports

Strength and conditioning exercises are essential to support any sport such as your swimming, cycling, martial arts, boxing, tennis football, rugby and so on. It’s the foundation for success for any sport and athletic endeavor from young to old.